Amazing how much change can happen in a year, or two! I have been on the road with Revival Radio TV. Adventures in the backcountry and counting Texas chiggers, Paris (!) Revivals in the City of Love and we hugely enjoyed seeing the Eiffel tower for the first time!

You know your life is about to change when you get those 4 am wake up calls. After the Lord says –do you know I love you –YOU get asked, are you going to do what I asked? What, the request You gave me 3 years earlier, You ACTUALLY want me to get handled? As Jerry Savelle would say, you are up an hour earlier, praying and having that weekly fast, too. There really is something call time multiplication!

Check out the Names of God series. I thought a video short or two would handle things. Goodness of God!   and more. When my day work got busy, I skipped. (Cough, cough) a 4 am wakeup!

Here’s my latest I AM. I love this one because Jesus used it to show His power. Lord of Hosts –did you know it includes miracles? Favor of God is just life-changing and what do you do if life tries to smack you down?

I hugely enjoy everything I get to do: research and interviews, producing, writing, editing, shooting with the cameras, developing KC Bible School curriculum for Dr. Gene –it’s really a dream come true! I also started honoring my promise to get the 8 Bible keys out there. These keys are what my sons and spiritual sons grew up learning: let’s go climb a mountain and have a Bible lesson! Prayer, Prosper!  Six more of the steps are coming.

So, my byword is obedience. If it takes a few miracles along the way, I take it! What are you dreaming of and targeting your faith for? I told my family the annual weather report from the Lord this time: going to be a cold one! And for the household of faith, a miracles based sizzling hot one. Let’s jump in and enjoy!