What would you say if you knew the Lord listens for ANY word you say where He might be able to drop good news down on you?

We know Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came that we might have LIFE and have it more abundantly. In 2 Corinthians 2:14 Now thanks be unto God, which causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place….and the next verse goes onto say “for we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ”.

In one of my projects I was asking God how to do something –along with camera direction. A few days later my RRTV team gets a call from Kenneth Copeland and he has specific directions to share! –which we enthusiastically employ. I am rejoicing now to have the “plan” there to use with all my projects.

  1. My son is taking a new style of martial arts which I always wanted to do. I practice this one stance with him –and it hurts! I was really disappointed! and told the Lord. Three days later, I am on my day of rest and as I worship Him, the Lord tells me to raise my arms up and praise Him. In the Spirit, I see these huge hands grab mine, see and feel this energy of light that goes from the top of my head all the way down, this sense of something being ripped and a lightness following like some blockage was removed and all this anointing follows! Three separate times over an hour this happens and today my son and I did this “stance” again. No pain. Thank you, Jesus! And his teaching me will help him learn his class things better, too! Win-win!

I have this passion to see my life and skill “borders” expand. Where can God do MORE in and through me? Important to note: Unless there’s an appointed time for some specific type of healing, healing and revelation have basically a “no wait” response time –post prayer decree. Every day can be like Christmas! Something good is going to happen today! Been seeing that with some categories of cash areas, too. Even if it takes a bird to drop it to you.

There are times God just drops a miracle on you. A gift or new talent. Looking back decades, to get all I have joyously received from the Lord, it often took stirring up working of miracles. I would put it out to the Lord what I would enjoy –and then just shut up about it. Always THANK Him afterwards! Gratefulness brings full restoration, as the thankful leper showed us.

Have an awesome day!