COVID-19 –fear. Yet, the NORM is blessing!

How many know about actively sowing blessing into your life and your family relationships?

I was thinking back to the start of this–as every venue blasted us with fear based disaster updates, my son was returning from a missionary journey where many had accepted Christ. Isn’t bringing others to Christ our calling? Expanding our gardens of blessing so we are the blessed area to be around?

Our Success Plan: 

  • Mastered a practical Luke 8:17 healthy identification of challenges and NOT allowing fear to control the discussion.
  • John 15:4 abiding and listening to God –on what gets identified– so we get our faith direction.
  • Proverbs 25:2 searching out and finding the Bible foundation for each faith area as Revelation 1:5-6 authority gives us to do this.
  • When we make Jesus our Lord, He makes us Kings who can make oral law Job 22:28 so decree what the Word says is ours.
  • Fasting is a great time to see new answers in many blocked areas. I always took that process to really house clean blocked areas. Though God always got us financial answers in spite of how badly we weren’t listening back then, in the mean time all these non financial areas got answers and relief. It would end up a bucket load of good news.
  • Fasting can be:
    • time to pray or say an encouraging word
    • Bible reading
    • doing something new– say 10 new encouraging things each day
    • abstaining from something
    • It can be not eating or drinking something or it can be eating something new, too.

    There are many ways to fast!

Finally, even in the best plan, attacks can happen. Even Jesus disciples saw a storm before they could “get to the other side” (Luke 8, Mark 4). So, tackling a fresh faith strategy for those areas where attacks need direct healthy faith confrontations. It might be as simple as “Peace, be still”.

My family had good news after we did a practical assessment. We happened to have accidentally overstocked TP and all practical categories before this began. We didn’t have to have that good news. —Philipians 4:12-13 We know how to abase. We know how to abound.– We learned to harvest not just sow as Pastor George Pearsons and Jerry Savelle taught us. Pastor George has a lot of teachings on this. Harvesting is not the same as sowing. I have to say we marveled we had been positioned for this challenge in every way –before we knew there was going to be one. Learning about how to sow and harvest really reduced a lot of abasing for us.  If we hadn’t been in a good place, we would have split tasks in practical ways.

Virus in the household?

Some of my family were exposed to people who were thought to have COVID-19. We put that challenge to the intercessors –including pray-ers who have seen people raised from the dead–and it was prayed off those people. If the prospective ill person had showed conclusive signs, we would have gone deeper. I told satan that if he wants to mess with me/us I am taking a non stop praise break until I see answers.

Working in essential areas usually means smacking down challenges into solutions. My family are seeing long days but great miracles. We nurture each other in needed moments of recharging. It can be as simple as shoulder massage or encouraging word.  This season is where you see how your home is an oasis of peace –or that it needs changes to be that.  ((((Hugs))))– if yours is not. Regardless, this is a great opportunity possibility.  Prayer changes things.

For every area you see a need to improve things, the Word works. We did our practical assessment of time yesterday where we learned everything takes more time to do than a 24/hr day holds. My sons work in IT and there is a great need for their work right now. I put my family out to the intecessors for the next three weeks. What do you want prayed over? Join us in prayer, too? God has the path to get us all through this.