Supernatural Words to handle Trouble: Practical and Spiritual coming together. I can count basically –on one hand– the revivals/awakenings that happened in good times where everyone was doing well. Many, if not all of them, were preceded by Words or prophecy. In a study I did (put in comments below if you want to see that) I went back from current day to the time of Jesus birth and itemized what preceded these massive revivals/awakenings.

Currently, some are saying where were the Words that could have warned them of impending trouble? I hope you attend one of the great churches who do share Words.

I am grateful for my church Eagle Mountain Church in Newark, TXWhen a Word was shared there to get our finances in order, my pastors jumped on it. Our pastors brought in money people to help our church people get advice to get better positioned financially. My family said, “Whoa! This is not frothy happy making Words or a church ignoring the Word that is given, at all.”  Something was happening.

With the Boy Prophet in Armenia, there was a Word given and everyone who listened benefitted. Everyone who didn’t had trouble, afterwards. It didn’t stop the massive almost million person revival of 1917, of course. Other Words came that could have helped people, if they had listened –or listened to God. Some did listen. The rest became circumstantial statistics. 

Recommended Goals We Were Taught 

  • Get out of debt
  • Target faith so you don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck
  • Set up 6 months to a year of income in savings
  • Create storehouses –not just a storehouse

Decision Time

I told my family –wow, we need to make some changes!

We have one son in Texas A&M’s graduate program without an attached scholarship (for the first time in his long academic sometimes miraculously funded career). He graduates December 2020 and he needed that covered. We had debt. We worked job “assignments” over going for the highest paying jobs –so how to be obedient and make this work?

The God Plan

We knew Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

We began doing fast days and praying, looking to listen to what God had to say. How many days of fasting before you will hear God? Some of us needed 3 days. Some of us could hear after a few hours. However long it took, we would eventually get together and compare what we “heard”. In the ensuing months, as God directed, we adjusted our financial strategy and spending with the idea to pay off debt.

We have heard so many reacting to the fearmongering of our news media, and there was panic and people racing to the stores already depleted of supplies. Yet, since Pastor George Pearsons encouraged us to take that time and listen to God, even before the trouble showed, we just happened to have our home fully stocked up and had supplies we could share.

What About –I didn’t know Trouble was coming?

Let’s say your church body brought you in cold to this trouble and you are hurting. Since, if I met you in person they would discourage a hug for now –here is a very heart felt cyber (((((hug))))) The good news is you can be sweating and having a hard time, and the principles work. They are timeless. Remember, in Genesis 26:1 there is a famine and yet by verse 11, God helped Isaac so Isaac reaped 100 fold in a famine 

Here’s the Plan to change things around: 

  • Attitude/teaching: Put EMIC which airs on  in your smart phone ap playlist and also cycle through the archives for what might help you. The headings are topical. Look for what you are targeting.
  • Remove blockers so you hear God: Don’t give into pity parties, bitterness or resentment. God can turn things around amazingly well when we let Him. Life attacks can happen. It rains on the just and unjust. Mistakes can be made. Grace thankfully exists. Lay claim to your part. 
  • Listen for the Lord’s direction. Remember, God is your Source. Man is never your source.
  • Know where your garden is –and when you can, help the household of faith who is there first. We and many others in our church body and local families have looked out after each other since this began.

No matter where you are in things, remember Isaiah 58:11 The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Whether you are behind hurting or positioned –ready to expand, God has the plan.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Practical Not Just Spiritual

In America, people once had a saying: too heavenly minded to be any earthly good. To me, this saying shows we need balance. Do what God says to do. Its great that we know people who supernaturally found coins and dollar bills showing up in their yard –after they targeted their faith.  Its also important to be as the Bible says, good stewards

Its on us to seek God, hear His direction and let Him tell us what is going on. While Elijah had food dropped to him by the birds, Joseph was positioned in leadership when the world had its famine. Abraham’s plan could feed 500 families a day, and Isaac could feed 2000 families. I am still working to get my faith into these kinds of logistics plans! What I do know is as we hear God, its practical application –not just head knowledge. No matter where you are positioned right NOW, God is bigger than your circumstances. 

Put in comments below what you wish more could be shared and I will work to put links and more on that. Thanks!