The Bible teaches us that we are the salt Matthew 5:13-16 & the light Matthew 5:14 . But are we really? When we are thrust into dark and bitter times are we bringing the light of the word into the situation and are we really salt bringing the flavor of the life of a believer bringing in the flavor of love, joy, peace, compassion and strength. Or are we just hunkering down in the dark bitter time with everyone else waiting on Jesus to come and rescue us or to send someone to do what we ourselves should be doing.
We truly live in a dark and bitter time, it’s up to us to change that, we are believers, the actual Bride of Jesus Himself. He’s given us everything we need to bring about the change we need. We have to stand up, be the light, and chase away the darkness, and be the salt that adds the pleasurable flavor of Christ into this world we live in.
Many years ago I taught Sunday school to 4,5 & 6 year olds. In order to teach them the power of light ( I did this with my own children as well) I turned on the light in the hallway and turned off the light in the room where we were and closed the door, once everyone agreed that it was indeed dark. I opened the door so the light from the hallway could come in. Then I asked them did the light come in and light the dark room or did the dark go in and drown out the light from the hallway. It was a very exciting moment for me to watch the faces of little ones realize that light is indeed greater than darkness and we have that light in us. Go out and light this dark world with the light of Jesus Christ who dwells in us.
Scripture Reference
Matthew 5:13-16
Matthew 5:14