It would be a good thing if accepting Christ was inviting Him into a great life. Welcome, Jesus! Kathryn Kuhlman said that the cost to her following Jesus? She lost everything.

The Cost

God had showed me on a map where I was to move to and I had no idea what the cost of that obedience would be. Here’s a sampling: my husband walked away from Christ, was unfaithful and even divorced me. My lucrative SECULAR career future ended (at least so far). We left our home state, where my sons heritage included being 4th generation family in that state. Just about every family member there disowned me. The three of us obeying the call to come to Texas had to start over, completely.

Our Scripture:

Mark 10:29-30. 29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My sake, and the gospel’s, 30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

7 Years Later–Rewards

In what we have set our hands to: we have seen many find Christ, some getting filled with the Baptisim of the Holy Spirit, Speaking in Tongues. 1000s have been healed. Now into 1000s of miracles we stopped counting. Over 50 nonprofits and Christian ministries started up. Our work shows up from Bible colleges to Christian YouTube/broadcast shows holding the plan of salvation that air secular not just in Christian venues. God alone fully knows the fruit that is still in progress.

Sum up!

The cost to follow Jesus, the rewards to follow Jesus are very real. I have met enough of us here in Texas to know it isn’t just a fluke or happenstance of our lives.  The Word works. Its a test that you only get to see success in. God wants you to win even more than we could think or imagine.

It makes every day something very special. We have seen 100s to 1000s find find Christ, get healed, see their miracle. Who is NEXT? Today, what extraordinary supernatural favor will take place?

Dreams can come true.