God gave us the call to come to Texas. Shortly after, we saw the worst financial deals in CA and a lesson on why you DON’T want to have the ungodly in the same boat with you! What actually happened next was amazing. And it just keeps happening!
New Jobs?
My son’s Texas House of Representatives boss said God told him to hire the next guy coming in to interview with him. He was eager to find out what God got him! Today my son’s boss is part of the Trump administration leadership.
My other son thought he would be job hunting! Instead his CA Internet company asked him to keep on working for them. Over the years they would try to find someone local. One newbie employee was also in Reserves. He got called up! Others left for varieties of unimaginable reasons. My son kept getting promoted until he had the highest job title for his IT area. He added a Texas business partner. He built award winning websites. He added fulltime honors university to Masters classes! God multiplies time!
I came in with two years of income in savings. I was eager to find my new job assignment! The Lord said: not yet. I protested: Lord, that savings was to be a seed for our future NOT for me to use for basic living! However, obediently, I volunteered in IT areas, wrote and published then made my divine connection to segue to Christian broadcasting. The last three years I have been working in Christian broadcasts both behind and in front of the camera. Archives can be found at Revivalradiotv.com and YouTube.
We followed a plan for success.
Seedtime, Harvest
We learned about seedtime/harvest watching our Foursquare pastor grandpa. He never earned more than poverty pay each year of his 74 years of active ministry. We cared for him until his death and we saw God always multiplied his seeds and showed him how to harvest them. He went to heaven leaving several million. I saw that cash go to the ungodly but our Texas trio seeing faith in action were eager to try it out, in our new adopted state.
Seven Years of Miracles
We have seen scholarships, debt free masters degrees for one son, and our strategy faith is out there for a debt free law degree for another son. Extraordinary raises, bonuses, contests surprises, every freebie discount, checks in the mail, you name it. I read incessantly for my ministry work –around 4000 books last year. Books keep showing up! The love shown in God’s continuing provision is just so encouraging.
One son got his new-to-him car debt free. My no-mileage debt free car was the same price as a car from the year before, that had mileage. We seeded into at least seven others who were going for their debt free cars. Seed time and harvest works.
When you consider I drove a car that had parts that historically failed within 5 years –and I saw that taking place! Then I learned to take my spiritual authority over my life, and I saw instead even the replacement parts working well OVER a dozen years –so no cost layouts needed there– before I got my debt free new vehicle.
The miracles go on and on. We cared for people’s dogs on the side, praying and seeing God loves to keep animals strong and healthy. Our dog that was missing a ball in her hip and was supposed to die at age 2 lasted to 14 years. After God gave her a new ball in her hip, she would hike over 200 miles with us, carrying her own supplies on her healthy body and hugely enjoying the outdoors with us.
We saw seedtime and harvest in action in so many areas. And its a 2 step process–seeding, then harvesting. its important to do both!
We are committed to seeing Satan’s kingdom torn down and him regretting he ever messed with us. Part of the fun is seeing others sharing in this adventure with their own miracles and Godly provision stories! When Job in the Bible lost his everything, he got the double. We have the better covenant! John 10:10 talks about life more abundantly. We are walking that out now. Dreams can come true.