HOW CAN REVIVAL TAKE PLACE if the church is not meeting in person?

Answer: ONLINE. Remember, every huge Revival/Awakening broke “how tos” for what church mandated Christianity should be.

Revival history:

Early Church –We are pagan and we kill Christians or starve them not letting them do business. Christians were in catacombs hiding sharing mutual encouragement or on the streets getting martyred (where 100s watching their death were so moved that they accepted Christ) or moved to where they were supposed to be, sharing JESUS IS LORD. It broke the back of paganism. Revivals happened!!

Welsh Revival: you cant do a service without preaching! What’s wrong with you doing this music bit til 5am? 100,000 saved.

Prayer Revival (1857) An hour a day? You can’t fill out a paper, say a simple prayer and see things happen. –1 million saved. 1 million rededicated their lives –America.

Prayer STOPS a nation wide, world wide disaster where every stock market crashed? Oops apparently it can: Panic of 1857.

Great Awakening. You can’t preach in the fields. Preaching happens in the church! You can’t start a nation from Awakening either. Apparently you can. 1740-1760 Great Awakening, 1776: America is birthed.

1517–1648 Revivals:  Unsaved church leaders: Don’t let people have a Bible. Kill Bible translators and burn Bibles smuggled to the people. What actually happened? REVIVALS !!! We call this the Reformation. Celebrate by reading your Bible!

Have time?— Share scripture. Share encouragement ONLINE whether music or word. Pray. Stir up for Revival. Unify in Prayer. Praise God. Help a friend. Put that dollar out to help a Christian business, a Christian ministry so they keep afloat. If you are in CA, stay home, no home meetings there much less church. Yet, stay online — and change lives. Rejoice! If history repeats when we do this, Revival will follow and expand.

Linda Schulz Lane